The entertainment factor in current advertising

It seems that advertising professionals are starting to work their way into a trap. The trap is this — there are so many commercials and it is so easy to surf away from long commercial pods — therefore my commercial has to be so entertaining that people will really want to watch it. Same is true in many print ads…oftentimes, if I can’t shock em I can’t stop em.

At the end of the trap is the fact that many viewers and readers totally miss the point of the product. It goes beyond not being able to remember the advertiser…they don’t take anything from the ad that encourages them to consider the product or understand the brand.

The reasons for this abound — from personal portfolio building, to lack of understanding or belief in the product, to the advertising ego that says we are the leaders of cultural change. 

At DHD we believe in that there is intrinsic beauty in every product. Our job is to find it, reveal it, and get the audience to acknowledge it. Sometimes, with near commodity products, it’s difficult. The beauty or point of difference needs to be developed and then revealed with attention getting creative. 

Great advertising attracts attention, presents a benefit, and gently moves the prospect to a point of understanding. Sure, it can entertain, but if it doesn’t sell something it isn’t really advertising.